Saturday, March 10, 2007

Life is what happens...

I definitely made other plans for this week. Included in them was NOT having my laptop hard drive die due to an overdose of grape juice. Apparently, grape juice is contraindicated when you're a hard drive, but try telling a 4-year old that.

So, after panicking that I lost everything, I calmed down to realize that I'd backed up almost everything that was really important - my completed manuscript. What I didn't back up, which I want to cry about sometimes but am working through, is the latest pictures of the kids - since October 2005. We're trying to get access to the files on the hard drive, but it will be iffy. If anyone can do it, however, I fully believe Bryan can. Just one more thing to add to his work load.

The good thing that happened this week? My sister read my book and actually liked it. (See comment on last post.) I was expecting polite and tepid feedback, knowing she sets high standards for almost everything, so I'm really happy it didn't make her want to throw it across the room in disgust. As I told her, that would break her computer.

Now, if a publisher could like it too, that would be wonderful.


dinahlab said...

actually, I might even read it again....

Anonymous said...

You might be the next Jx Rowling (or you could win the lottery) Odds may be similar.