Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spinal Tap for 4-year olds - postponed till a later date

Bryan and I have moved beyond the aftereffects of the storm. The power was out for 5 days, with intermittent outages over the weekend. The bright side is we now have a generator and can weather future outages with much more grace than we have before. (Really, that's me - Bryan handles the unexpected much better.)

Now we're focusing on house issues. Our contractor has called, asking when we're ready for him to come back and fix a few things (the front half of the roof, the siding that's off). The work was waiting for us to get our butts in gear on a couple items - electrical power to the house being brought underground and settling some financial details. We definitely chose the right contractor. Dave's conscientious and detail-oriented and - most importantly - good at what he does. And he wants it done right, since his name's on it. So now we're moving to get all our ducks in a row so he can come back and finish.

Ironically, as I write this, my power just shut off.

I was going to write about Jamie's Spinal Tap moment, but that will have to wait until I call the power company and get the generator going.



Erica Ridley said...

You poor thing! That doesn't sound fun at all. Our power has been off for two days in our subdivision (back up now, yay!) thanks the the phone company exploding some transformers that also housed the electric company's cables. No fun. (And the air is thick with smoke from Georgia--can't imagine what it's like even closer!) Wishing you better luck with power, and I'll check back for Jamie's story soon! =)

dinahlab said...

Did he turn it up to 11?