Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jamie's channeling Nigel...

Power is on, no pressing house issues - there are always house issues, but, for the moment, no pressing ones - so I'm finally back to blogging and Spinal Tap stories.

Bryan's frequently misplacing his tape measure, probably because the kids are fascinated with it and I suspect walk off with it on occasion. So Jamie, being the considerate boy that he is, wanted to help Daddy out and made him a new ruler. Upon presenting it to Daddy, Jamie pointed out that his ruler goes up to 13, since sometimes you want to measure things that are bigger than 12. Bryan and I agreed that it was very useful to be able to go past 12 when you need to. So yes, Diane, he did turn it up to 11.

Jamie and Alex have also been singing medleys of Jimmy Buffett tunes - Cheeseburger in Paradise and Fins, their two favorites. Right now, they admire their parents' cultural touchstones, but what will they prefer when they're 16?

Amelia hates missing all her brothers' adventures while she's in school and is looking forward to summer vacation. I anticipate and dread what they'll come up with during the summer.


dinahlab said...

Do you find it at all ominous that James is already trying to say that something that is really only 12 inches is actually 13 inches?

Perhaps Amelia can spend her summer starting a band with the boys so that they can REALLY turn it up to 11....

Anonymous said...

Pots, pans, and big old clanging sonatas at your house.

Love the adventure of your twins since all mine are grown.